Assessment of metrics for the development of an institutional DMP support system

The dataset includes two .xls files that combine the information related to the systematization of the DMP-building method and the development of the DMP support system that is applicable in any institution and suitable for multiple scientific domains.

1.A result of the project selection and pre-analysis is the 1st file of the dataset "The project sample" with the following information: project id, shortName, scenario1, scenario2, project title, funder, begin date, expected end, total month, the entity in charge of the project, budget, name of the person in charge, a brief description of the project, DMP support according to the DPO answer, Data Protection support according to the DPO answer, scientific domain (our preliminary assignment), scientific domain (our preliminary assignment), scientific domain according to the researchers’ answers, experience in data management, type of data (our preliminary assignment), the number of meetings, type of data (researchers answers), dates related to the DMP creation, monitoring or improvements sessions, DMP status (in case a DMP is published, the DMP link/DOI and date of the publication), and specific terms defining during the creation of the DMP for Domain Data Protocols (controlled vocabulary). We also indicate which countries are involved in the projects and who the coordinator is. Moreover, we have columns related to our quantitative and qualitative analysis according to defined metrics: Quant3 (sensitive, personal, private data), Quant4 (Repository issues), Quant5 (Cost issues), Quant6 (Additional Documents), Quant7 (Collaboration with other stakeholders), Quant8 (Ethical and property issues), Quant9 (Time (22.06.2022)), Who collaborated (PI? Etc), Qual1 (Motivation), Qual4 (Rejection), proposal of other projects / future collaborations, DMP-light.

The file includes a description of 33 INESC TEC projects with different filters: - Year - projects started in 2020 and 2021; - Funder - Horizon 2020 and FCT; - Projects completion - before December 31, 2021.

2.The DMP continuum_additional projects - includes information related to the additional 21 projects. This file is a result of the analysis of the projects that were not included in the sample analysis, they are new proposals that emerged throughout this work, and they are projects under monitoring, described in Chapter 5, of the thesis mentioned below.

This dataset is the principal output of the PhD thesis "Research data description in multiple domains: supporting researchers with Data Management Plans", financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) - SFRH/BD/136332/2018, defended by Karimova Yulia on the X of X, 2023, published on X, and cited as: Karimova, Y. "Research data description in multiple domains: supporting researchers with Data Management Plans", PhD thesis, URL: XX. Namely, this dataset includes data related to the systematization of the collaborative DMP-building method and development of the DMP support system described in Chapters 5, 7 and 8 of the thesis.

데이터와 리소스

추가 정보

저자 Yulia Karimova
최종 업데이트 3월 20, 2023, 18:31 (UTC)
생성됨 2월 1, 2023, 18:36 (UTC)
Citation Karimova, Y. (2023). Assessment of metrics for the development of an institutional DMP support system [Data set]. INESC TEC.
Creation Date 2022-2023
파일 크기 33KB; 26KB
포맷 .xlxs
언어 EN
Relation Karimova, Y. "Research data description in multiple domains: supporting researchers with Data Management Plans", PhD thesis, URL: XX
Temporal Coverage 2019-2023
타입 Sample projects and their analysis according to the metrics