Content Analysis of Publications in Experimental domains

This dataset support the proposal of manual content analysis as an approach to streamline the data curator workflow. We have performed manual context analysis over publications from three experimental domains (sustainable chemistry; photovoltaic generation; nanoparticle synthesis) to extract domain-specific concepts to describe data in these domains. Our approach consisted in the identification of relevant snippets of text from publications sections reporting the experimental set up. The read me provides information on how to read the dataset.

데이터와 리소스

추가 정보

소스 Publications that supported the analysis are cited in the dataset
저자 João Aguiar Castro
최종 업데이트 5월 27, 2024, 13:02 (UTC)
생성됨 12월 11, 2019, 11:30 (UTC)
CiteAs CASTRO J.A., LANDEIRA, C. Content Analysis of Publications in Experimental domains [dataset]. 11 dec 2019. INESC TEC research data repository. DOI:
dc.Contributor Cristiana Landeira
dc.Date 2019
dc.Format *.csv
dc.Format.Extent 27.1 KB
dc.Language EN (snippets) PT (proposed descriptor)
dc.Relation Role of Content Analysis in improving the curation of experimental data. International Journal of Digital Curation, 15(1). 2020. DOI: