The dataset contains data that support the proposal of manual content analysis as an approach to streamline the data curator workflow. We have performed manual context analysis over publications from three experimental domains (sustainable chemistry; photovoltaic generation; nanoparticle synthesis) to extract domain-specific concepts to describe data in these experimental domains. Our approach consisted in the identification of relevant snippets of text from publications sections reporting the experimental set up. We then proposed a potential descriptor to represent the snippet information. The snippet is in English (with respect to the source) and the Potential Descriptor is in Portuguese, since they were later evaluated by Portuguese researchers. The dataset is organized as follows: ------ Collumns A and B - Sustainable Chemistry 2A- Snippet from publication 2B-Potential Descriptor (based on the snippets) 3A; 25A; 50A - References from which the snippets were extracted ---- Collumns D and E - Photovoltaic Generation 3D; 35D; 60D - References from which the snippets were extracted ---- Collumns G and H - Nanoparticles Synthesis 3G; 39G; 73G - ReferenceS from which the snippets were extracted