
The dataset was acquired at Porto, one of the most iconic city of Portugal. It were obtained diverse trajectories in different type of scenarios - around of the costal zone of Matosinhos and in a highway - with a moving car. The dataset provides diverse sensor information mainly by high resolution cameras, LIDAR, GPS and IMU devices installed in the roof of a car from the INESC TEC and provides realistic insights of urban road environments and captures dynamic interactions with many road elements (such as, moving cars, motorcycles and pedestrians), light changes, traffic conditions and heterogeneous scenarios: a coastal zone, avenues, roundabouts and highways. It is important the development of datasets as the Urban@CRAS, where arise new perspectives and challenges, because to allow the development of systems for situation awareness, for the navigation of mobile robots and autonomous driving.

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Campo Valore
Autore Ana Rita Gaspar
Ultimo aggiornamento maggio 14, 2024, 10:46 (UTC)
Creato febbraio 9, 2018, 14:47 (UTC)
DOI https://doi.org/10.25747/032P-4763
dc.Contributor Andry Maykol Pinto
dc.Coverage.Spatial Coastal Zone (Matosinhos)
dc.Coverage.Temporal one morning
dc.Date February 1st, 2018
dc.Format *.tar; *.gz
dc.Format.Extent 14GB
dc.Language EN
dc.Publisher INESC TEC
dc.Type ROS bag files with information abou IMU, GPS coordinates, 3D lidar points and stereo images. The text files include the ground-truth coordinate information