Urban@CRAS Dataset Authors: Ana Rita Gaspar, Alexandra Nunes, Andry Pinto and AnĂ­bal Matos. INESC TEC (CRAS), Porto, Portugal. 2018. The Urban@CRAS was acquired at Porto, one of most iconic city of Portugal. Provides a set of scenarios from a particular region - around of the costal zone of Matosinhos and in a highway - with different interactions between static-dynamic elements with a moving car. This dataset is ROS-based and includes: - 5 trials in bag files with information about IMU, GPS receiver, 3D LIDAR and visual stereoscopic system (and its calibration parameters), with denomination according to the realized trajectory, such as: DLoop, CoastalLoop, UrbanLoop, Avenue and Highway; - 2 text files Ground-Truth measurements of the two trials: GT_DLoop and GT_CostalLoop; - Tranformed Frame Tree, in a bag file, to provide the reference of the sensors in a common fixed structure: TF_Tree.