Datové sady
Gamma radiation monitoring at the Azores ENA-ARM station (Graciosa Island)
Gamma-ray total counts in counts/minute (cpm), every 15-minutes, from the Gamma Radiation Monitoring campaign at the ENA site (Graciosa, Azores). Data were collected to study... -
Raw data collected onboard the Sagres ship during the SAIL project campaign
Project SAIL aimed to improve the scientific understanding of the marine boundary layer by means of a unique monitoring campaign on board the iconic Portuguese tall ship NRP... -
ROAM@CRAS - A haRbor multidOmAin Mapping dataset
The ROAM@CRAS dataset was acquired using an Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV), the SENSE, equipped with a set of incorporated sensors for perceiving the surface and underwater... -
Content Analysis of Publications in Experimental domains
This dataset support the proposal of manual content analysis as an approach to streamline the data curator workflow. We have performed manual context analysis over publications... -
The dataset was acquired at Porto, one of the most iconic city of Portugal. It were obtained diverse trajectories in different type of scenarios - around of the costal zone of... -
Research Data Management metadata-driven studies survey corpus and coding
This dataset resulted from a survey over research data management metadriven studies. A summary of RDM studies was outlined that use at least one technique to engage researchers... -
Multi-domain data description sessions data
This dataset results from 13 data description sessions conducted at U. Porto. In each session researchers have created metadata in the Dendro, research data management platform.... -
Geographically distributed solar power time series
This dataset contains electrical energy hourly time series from 44 small-PV (households) units located in the same region, with installed capacity ranging between 1.1 and 3.7... -
Evaluation of the adoption of the RDA recommendations
This work describes the work carried out wit several participants, from the University of Porto community, to promote of the adoption of the recommendations of the Research Data... -
Multi-domain data description sessions follow-up questionnaires
This dataset consists in data from 13 multi-domain data description sessions follow-up questionnaires. Researchers from the University of Porto participated in a data... -
Radon data from ENVRIplus TNA campaign RELECT at SMEAR II – HYYTIÄLÄ...
Radon concentration measurements (in Bq/m3) every 2-hours. -
Sagres ship meteorological data 2020
Meteorological data over the Atlantic Ocean collected onboard the NRP Sagres ship. The file includes as columns: 1) day (dd) + month abbreviated name 2) time (HHMM) 3) Latitude... -
Images annotated according to their content: a study on the description of...
Data description is a fundamental step in Research Data Management (RDM). When it comes to images, the challenge is increased, as they have characteristics that differentiate... -
Evolution of Web search engine interfaces through SERP screenshots and HTML...
This dataset was extracted for a study on the evolution of Web search engine interfaces since their appearance. The well-known list of “10 blue links” has evolved into richer... -
Assessment of metrics for the development of an institutional DMP support system
The dataset includes two .xls files that combine the information related to the systematization of the DMP-building method and the development of the DMP support system that is... -
Bibliography and analysis on studies of institutional DMP support services
The dataset is an .xls file that combines the bibliographic information selected to Identify global studies on DMP support in different institutions and understand how... -
Radon concentration (Bq.m-3) from INESC TEC station (Porto). Updated monthly.
The dataset consists on measurements every 6-hours of radon concentration on the roof of INESC TEC main building. This dataset has Jupyter notebook for visualization (for better... -
Data from underwater gamma radiation monitoring
Data from underwater gamma radiation measurements under controlled conditions (ongoing monitoring). The measurements are performed with the purpose of studying background gamma... -
Vineyard dataset with anotation of leaf density - for precision spraying
PRYSM is a project from CRIIS - INESC TEC, which focuses on developing robotics solutions for vineyard smart and precision spraying. The main objective is to develop a smart and... -
Dataset of tomato inside greenhouses for object detection in Pascal VOC
The development of robotic solutions for agriculture requires advanced perception capabilities that can work reliably in any crop stage. ROBOCARE is a project from CRIIS - INESC... -
ENCKEP Evaluation module: code and case studies
The content of the dataset is twofold: I. It contains the results of two case studies made by the ENCKEP Simulation tool, developed within the COST ActionENCKEP COST Action:... -
Recordings related to System Separation in the Continental Europe
On 8 January 2021 at 14:05 CET the synchronous area of Continental Europe was separated into two separated areas due to outages of several transmission network elements in a... -
Dataset for the stable kidney exchange problem
The dataset contains instances of the Kidney Exchange Problem (KEP), when the patient has different preferences over the potential donors. The common practice is to model the... -
Dataset and results for Robust Kidney Exchange Problem
The dataset contains the instances and results files for the paper M.Carvalho, X. Klimentova, K. Glorie, A. Viana, M. Constantino. Robust Models for the Kidney Exchange Problem.... -
Multi-agent Kidney Exchange Program: dataset for simulation along time horizon
The dataset contains the instances files for the paper X. Klimentova, A. Viana, J. P. Pedroso, N. Santos. Fairness models for multi-agent kidney exchange programmes. To appear... -
Research data management in image format - Survey
These datasets were the result of research on research data management in image format. Based on the data collected, it was possible to study the practices and habits in the... -
In the context of the MSc thesis entitled "A Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Docking-based Structures", the dataset denominated DOcking-based stRuctures dAtaset (DORA)... -
Meteorological data from LFC/FEUP station
The dataset consists on measurements every 5-minutes from the LFC/FEUP meteorological station, including air temperature (in degrees C), relative humidity (%), atmospheric... -
Atmospheric electric field from INESC TEC station (Porto)
The dataset consists on 1-min measurements of the atmospheric electric field by a CS110 field mill installed on the roof of INESC TEC main building. This dataset has Jupyter... -
Gamma radiation from INESC TEC station (Porto)
The dataset consists on measurements of the total number of gamma rays counted by a NaI(Tl) scintillator on the roof of INESC TEC main building. This dataset has Jupyter... -
Solar power forecasting: measurements and numerical weather predictions
This dataset contains hourly power measurements from a 16.32 kW peak PV power plant located on the North of Portugal (Smart Grid and Electric Vehicle Lab – SGEVL, at INESC TEC),... -
Red Lesion Endoscopy Dataset
This dataset contains 2 subsets of anonymized video capsule endoscopy images with annotated red lesions. Folder "Set 1" has 3,295 non-sequential frames in sub-folder "A" and the... -
SIGARRA News Corpus
This dataset was taken from the SIGARRA information system at the University of Porto (UP). Every organic unit has its own domain and produces academic news. We collected a... -
Test network 124 nodes
This dataset contains the information on a test network analyzed in the Project CitinES (Design of a Decision support tool for sustainable, reliable and cost-effective energy... -
Records of Narcissus cyclamineus DC. occurrence in the hydrographic basin of...
Information from field surveys performed during 2007, specifically targeting the detection of the endemic daffodil Narcissus cyclamineus DC. in the hydrographic basinf of River... -
Simple English Wikipedia Link Graph with Clickstream Transitions 2018-12
The Simple English Wikipedia Link Graph with Clickstream Transitions is a gzipped GML file representing the hyperlink graph of the Simple English Wikipedia. It was prepared... -
Dataset for kidney exchange problems
The common practice is to model the Kidney Exchange Problem (KEP) on directed graph G = (V,A), called compatibility graph, where set of vertices V corresponds to the set of... -
The dataset comprises a set of images that includes different man-made objects considered critical in underwater operations. Anchors, buoy, chain, flutuation module, 3D marker,... -
Tackling Class Imbalance with Ranking
The dataset comes originally from UCI Machine Learning. The multiclass datasets were transformed in binary classification as mentioned in the paper. Ranking methods were applied... -
Albergaria Fire Fighters ECG 2010
Monitoring of Albergaria Firefighters ECG during emergency events during the summer of 2010 and correspondent event labels. -
Music streaming and playlisting activity from music streaming service
This dataset is taken from the portuguese music social network "Palco Principal", that gathers non-mainstream musicians with fans. The website allows free music streaming and... -
Bioimaging Challenge 2015 Breast Histology Dataset
This dataset contains breast histology images from four classes: normal, benign, in situ carconima and invasive carcinoma. A trained Convolutional Neural Network for the... -
Retinal Blood Vessel Caliber Estimation in Eye Fundus Images
This application allows the user to measure the average width of a chosen blood vessel in a retinal image. After uploading an image, the program automatically segments the blood... -
Gamma radiation data from ENVRIplus TNA campaign RELECT at SMEAR II –...
Gamma radiation measurements in counts/minute (cpm) every 5-minutes. -
UrbanSense environmental monitoring
The UrbanSense project is the environmental monitoring part of the Smart City initiative at the city of Porto, Portugal. This dataset contains observational data collected at 23... -
Electric field data from ENVRIplus TNA campaign RELECT at SMEAR II –...
Vertical electric field measurements (in V/m), 1-min averages. -
Hate speech dataset annotated for Portuguese
Portuguese Hate Speech Twitter Dataset is a dataset of Twitter messages manually annotated for Hate Speech using a hierarchical structure of classes. 5,668 messages were... -
HAREM NER Models for OpenNLP, Stanford CoreNLP, spaCy, NLTK
Pre-trained models for named entity recognition in Portuguese, using the categories, types and subtypes of the Second HAREM dataset as entity classes. -
SIGARRA News Corpus NER Models for OpenNLP, Stanford CoreNLP, spaCy, NLTK
Pre-trained models for named entity recognition in Portuguese, using the following entity classes: Hora (Hour), Evento (Event), Organizacao (Organization), Curso (Course),... -
Innovation indicators for the academic context
Based on an informational perspective on I&D+i (Research and Development and innovation) and entrepreneurship, it is presented a study applied to the knowledge transfer and...