Bibliography and analysis on studies of institutional DMP support services

The dataset is an .xls file that combines the bibliographic information selected to Identify global studies on DMP support in different institutions and understand how institutions provide, implement, and organize DMP support for researchers.

The search was conducted on 14 May 2022 in the Scopus Database, and the dataset contains DMP related bibliography, collected with the following criteria:

  • Application of inclusion;
  • Application of exclusion;
  • Addition of other sources,
  • Application of exclusion criteria to other sources,
  • Dimensions of analysis.

This dataset is one of the outputs of the PhD thesis "Research data description in multiple domains: supporting researchers with Data Management Plans", financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) - SFRH/BD/136332/2018, defended by Karimova Yulia on the X of X, 2023, published on X, and cited as: Karimova, Y. "Research data description in multiple domains: supporting researchers with Data Management Plans", PhD thesis, URL: XX. Namely, this dataset includes data related to the systematic review described in Chapter 4 of the thesis.

Data a zdroje

Doplňující informace

Pole Hodnota
Autor Yulia Karimova, Mafalda Lopes
Naposledy aktualizováno března 14, 2023, 09:22 (UTC)
Vytvořeno února 2, 2023, 18:54 (UTC)
Citation Karimova, Y., & Lopes, M. (2023). Bibliography and analysis on studies of institutional DMP support services [Data set]. INESC TEC.
Creation Date 14-05-2022
Velikost souboru 433 KB
Formát .xlxs
Jazyk EN
Relation Karimova, Y. "Research data description in multiple domains: supporting researchers with Data Management Plans", PhD thesis, URL: XX
Temporal Coverage 2018-2022
Typ Systematic review according to the defined strategy and criteria