İşlem Akışı
João Aguiar Castro
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Matrix profile analysis of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in palaeoclimate time series
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
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Matrix profile analysis of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in palaeoclimate time series
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
Matrix profile analysis of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in palaeoclimate time series
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
Matrix profile analysis of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in palaeoclimate time series
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
Matrix profile analysis of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in palaeoclimate time series
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
Matrix profile analysis of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in palaeoclimate time series
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
Matrix profile analysis of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in palaeoclimate time series
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
Matrix profile analysis of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in palaeoclimate time series
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
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BioPhotonics Signal Analysis: Phase-derived features for microparticles and nanoparticles identification
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
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BioPhotonics Signal Analysis: Phase-derived features for microparticles and nanoparticles identification
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
BioPhotonics Signal Analysis: Phase-derived features for microparticles and nanoparticles identification
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
BioPhotonics Signal Analysis: Phase-derived features for microparticles and nanoparticles identification
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
BioPhotonics Signal Analysis: Phase-derived features for microparticles and nanoparticles identification
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
BioPhotonics Signal Analysis: Phase-derived features for microparticles and nanoparticles identification
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
BioPhotonics Signal Analysis: Phase-derived features for microparticles and nanoparticles identification
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
BioPhotonics Signal Analysis: Phase-derived features for microparticles and nanoparticles identification
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
BioPhotonics Signal Analysis: Phase-derived features for microparticles and nanoparticles identification
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
BioPhotonics Signal Analysis: Phase-derived features for microparticles and nanoparticles identification
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
BlanketSet - a clinical real word action recognition and qualitative semi-synchronized MoCap dataset
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
BlanketSet - a clinical real word action recognition and qualitative semi-synchronized MoCap dataset
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
BlanketSet - a clinical real word action recognition and qualitative semi-synchronized MoCap dataset
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
BlanketSet - a clinical real word action recognition and qualitative semi-synchronized MoCap dataset
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
ArchOnto ontology representation of Portuguese archival description units (baptism records and passports).
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
ArchOnto ontology representation of Portuguese archival description units (baptism records and passports).
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
ArchOnto ontology representation of Portuguese archival description units (baptism records and passports).
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
ArchOnto ontology representation of Portuguese archival description units (baptism records and passports).
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
ArchOnto ontology representation of Portuguese archival description units (baptism records and passports).
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
Indoor point cloud dataset for BIM related applications
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
Indoor point cloud dataset for BIM related applications
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
Indoor point cloud dataset for BIM related applications
9 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro
updated the veri seti
Research image management practices reported by scientific literature: Studies that explore the use and production of images in research
9 ay önce