İşlem Akışı
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti IILABS 3D: iilab Indoor LiDAR-based SLAM Dataset
1 hafta önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti IILABS 3D: iilab Indoor LiDAR-based SLAM Dataset
1 hafta önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti IILABS 3D: iilab Indoor LiDAR-based SLAM Dataset
2 hafta önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti BlanketSet - a clinical real word action recognition and qualitative semi-synchronized MoCap dataset
2 hafta önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti BlanketSet - a clinical real word action recognition and qualitative semi-synchronized MoCap dataset
2 hafta önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti BlanketSet - a clinical real word action recognition and qualitative semi-synchronized MoCap dataset
2 hafta önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti BlanketSet - a clinical real word action recognition and qualitative semi-synchronized MoCap dataset
2 hafta önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti BlanketSet - a clinical real word action recognition and qualitative semi-synchronized MoCap dataset
2 hafta önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti BlanketSet - a clinical real word action recognition and qualitative semi-synchronized MoCap dataset
2 hafta önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti BlanketSet - a clinical real word action recognition and qualitative semi-synchronized MoCap dataset
2 hafta önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Indoor Benchmark of 3D LiDAR SLAM at iilab – Industry and Innovation Laboratory
2 hafta önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Indoor Benchmark of 3D LiDAR SLAM at iilab – Industry and Innovation Laboratory
2 hafta önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Indoor Benchmark of 3D LiDAR SLAM at iilab – Industry and Innovation Laboratory
2 hafta önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Indoor Benchmark of 3D LiDAR SLAM at iilab – Industry and Innovation Laboratory
2 hafta önce -
João Aguiar Castro created the veri seti Indoor Benchmark of 3D LiDAR SLAM at iilab – Industry and Innovation Laboratory
2 hafta önce -
João Aguiar Castro , iparestudios grubunu sildi
2 hafta önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Gamma radiation monitoring at the Azores ENA-ARM station (Graciosa Island)
2 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Gamma radiation monitoring at the Azores ENA-ARM station (Graciosa Island)
2 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Gamma radiation monitoring at the Azores ENA-ARM station (Graciosa Island)
2 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Gamma radiation monitoring at the Azores ENA-ARM station (Graciosa Island)
2 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Gamma radiation monitoring at the Azores ENA-ARM station (Graciosa Island)
2 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Gamma radiation monitoring at the Azores ENA-ARM station (Graciosa Island)
2 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Raw atmospheric electric field and ancilllary data collected on-board Sagres ship (ongoing-updated yearly)
4 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Raw atmospheric electric field and ancilllary data collected on-board Sagres ship (ongoing-updated yearly)
4 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Raw atmospheric electric field and ancilllary data collected on-board Sagres ship (ongoing-updated yearly)
4 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Raw atmospheric electric field and ancilllary data collected on-board Sagres ship (ongoing-updated yearly)
4 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Raw atmospheric electric field and ancilllary data collected on-board Sagres ship (ongoing-updated yearly)
4 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Raw atmospheric electric field and ancilllary data collected on-board Sagres ship (ongoing-updated yearly)
4 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Raw atmospheric electric field and ancilllary data collected on-board Sagres ship (ongoing-updated yearly)
4 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro created the veri seti Raw atmospheric electric field and ancilllary data collected on-board Sagres ship (ongoing-updated yearly)
4 ay önce -
João Aguiar Castro updated the veri seti Pre-processed atmospheric data from the SAIL campaign onboard the Sagres ship
4 ay önce