ISAD(G) Descriptions of Archival Records With Entity Annotation

This dataset contains long text ISAD(G) fields from records from the Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo annotated with entities. It was built to evaluate the effectiveness of data migration from ISAD(G) to ArchOnto in the EPISA project. Thus, a set of long text fields present in DigitArq was annotated, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of data migration from the old system to the new one.

In order to obtain structured metadata that constitute an added value for the semantic migration, elements of ISAD(G) were considered. To this end, a study was carried out on the description of existing records in Digitarq, which complies with ISAD(G) and ISAAR(CPF) archival description standards. The annotated fields are those in which the information tends to be less structured:

Context zone: Metadata about the origin and custody of the unit of description are recorded. Within this zone there are fields such as administrative/biographical history, custodial and archival history, and immediate source of acquisition or transfer.

Content and structure zone: Metadata relating to the organization and content of the unit of description are described. Here are exposed the scope and content.

Notes area: Only one element called notes where metadata can be added.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source Arquivo Nacional Torre do Tombo
Author Vasco Gomes
Last Updated 27 Mayıs 2024, 12:46 (UTC+00:00)
Created 7 Aralık 2022, 14:39 (UTC+00:00)
Citation Gomes, V. (2022). ISAD Descriptions of Archival Records With Entity Annotation [Data set]. INESC TEC.
Contributor EPISA Project team
Creation Date 2020-06-27
File Size max: 495KB
Format .json
Language EN
Project EPISA
Temporal Coverage 2020