Dataset, with the following attributes:
id: It is assigned incrementally and takes into account "unprocessed" articles, ie articles that are only part of the links
lang: the language of that article;
numUniqueEditors: The number of single editors corresponds to the different authors of the article's editions;
numEdits: number of editions made to the article;
connectivity: number of articles linked to a particular article through common editors;
numAnonEdits: number of editions made by anonymous editors;
numRegisteredEdits: number of editions made by registered editors;
numExternalLinks: links present throughout the article that refer to content external to Wikipedia;
numReverts: number of reversals made to editions prior to articles;
numBrokenLinks: links that point to currently unavailable pages;
numInnerLinks: links present in the text of articles and refer to other pages within the Wikipedia;
articleLength: text size in number of characters;
flesch: Flesch reading ease score. [-1] when not assessed;
kincaid: Kincaid score. [-1] when not assessed;
infoNoise: ratio between the amount of information after stemming and stopping and the size of the article before it is processed;
infonoiseNoStem: infnoise computed without applying stemming;
diversity: ratio between the number of unique publishers and the number of edits article totals;
numImages: number of images in article;
adminShare: ratio of edits made by administrators from the total number of editions;
age: article´s age, in days;
medianRevertTime: median of the reversal times of the different editions of the articles;
authority: auhtority computed score;
completeness: completeness computed score;
complexity: complexity computed score;
informativeness: informativeness computed score;
informativenessNoStem: informativeness computed score, without applying stemming;
consistency: consistency computed score;
volatility: volatility computed score;
currency: currency computed score.
Inga vyer har skapats för resursen.
Mer information
Fält | Värde |
Data senast uppdaterad | 13 september 2021 |
Metadata senast uppdaterad | 13 september 2021 |
Skapad | 13 september 2021 |
Format | CSV |
Licens | Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike |
Datastore active | False |
Has views | False |
Id | e21c4786-597b-4673-a29a-80dd225de2cb |
Package id | fc2d2154-2056-4681-8b42-226c65017a34 |
Position | 1 |
State | active |
Url type | upload |