Simplified electricity transmission system from UK (2020) – ATTEST project

This dataset was prepared under the framework of the ATTEST project, financed by the European Commission with grant number 864298. The dataset contains information about a simplification of the real UK transmission grid as in 2020. The grid topology contains 30 nodes, 100 branches and 98 generators. It is operated at 400 kV and 275 kV. A network model (MatPower format) including the grid information (including grid topology, nodes, generators, consumption, all of which connected by power lines or transformers) is provided.

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Autor Eduardo Martinez-cesena, Wangwei Kong
Last Updated martie 2, 2022, 17:03 (UTC)
Creat martie 2, 2022, 15:44 (UTC)
Citation Martinez-cesena, E., & Kong, W. (2022). Simplified electricity transmission system from UK (2020) – ATTEST project [Data set]. INESC TEC.
dc.Coverage.Spatial Network is geographically located in the United Kingdom.
dc.Coverage.Temporal The network characteristics represent the circumstances of 2020.
dc.Created February, 2021
ddi.Software Any text editor to read the network file. Matlab (with MatPower extension) or Pypower (Python) to test the network.