Test network 124 nodes

This dataset contains the information on a test network analyzed in the Project CitinES (Design of a Decision support tool for sustainable, reliable and cost-effective energy strategies in cities and industrial complexes). It includes data about the network structure, loads, load profiles of different types, distributed generation and electric vehicles. Part of the raw data was provided by EDP Distribuição; other raw data came from ERSE (Energy Services Regulatory Authority) without any restriction. The original network characteristics were adapted to represent a typical Italian medium-voltage network. Other data are parameters set by INESC TEC in the study. This data set can be useful for the reproduction of similar studies concerning distribution planning or reinforcement policies. It might be also used in other research studies on the impact of electric vehicles, DSM actions, distributed generation or even long term impact studies.

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Source ERSE - Energy Services Regulatory Authority (erse.pt)
Autor J. Nuno Fidalgo
Last Updated ianuarie 15, 2020, 17:49 (UTC)
Creat ianuarie 9, 2020, 11:10 (UTC)
CiteAs FIDALGO, J. NUNO. Test network 124 nodes [dataset]. 09 jan 2020. INESC TEC research data repository. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25747/ZEF3-6Y78
DOI https://doi.org/10.25747/ZEF3-6Y78
dc.Coverage.Spatial Part of the data was provided by EDP Distribuição; other data is available in ERSE site (www.erse.pr); other data (namely projections) are results of CitionES project.
dc.Coverage.Temporal 2011- until now
dc.Date January, 2020
dc.Format *.csv; *.txt
dc.Format.Extent 112KB
dc.Language EN
dc.Publisher INESC TEC
dc.Relation José Nuno Fidalgo, Mário Couto, Laurent Fournié, “The worth of network upgrade deferral in distribution systems – Truism or myth?”, Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 137, August 2016, Pages 96–103; J. Nuno Fidalgo, Filipe Azevedo, "Optimization of Reinforcement Investments in Distribution Networks" (under submission)
dc.Type Technical data about power network, measurements and results from other studies
ddi.InstrumentTyp internet (site EDP, ERSE)