Sagres ship corrected meteorological data 2020

Meteorological data over the Atlantic Ocean collected onboard the NRP Sagres ship. The file includes as columns:

  1. date (yyyy-mm-dd)
  2. time (HHMM)
  3. Latitude (DD° M.M)
  4. Latitude suffix (N or S)
  5. Longitude (DDD° M.M)
  6. Longitude suffix (E or W)
  7. QNH - Query Nautical Height (mbar)
  8. temperature - dry (ºC)
  9. temperature - wet (ºC)
  10. Dew point (ºC)
  11. Relative humidity (%)
  12. Water temperature - bucket (ºC)
  13. Water temperature - hull (ºC)
  14. True wind direction (degrees)
  15. True wind speed (knots)
  16. True wind force (Beaufort scale)
  17. Wave direction (compass half-wind)
  18. Wave height (m)
  19. Visibility (qualitative code)
  20. Cloud cover (oktas)
  21. Precipitation (qualitative code)
  22. Odometer - TRIP1
  23. Odometer - TRIP2
  24. Odometer - C. Plath
  25. Odometer – Skipper

NOTE: This dataset is derived by manually editing Sagres ship meteorological data 2020 (see resource below), in order to remove headers and formatting features, apply consistent flags for missing data (NIL replaced by NA, NILL replaced by NA), and change format to csv

Date și Resurse

Informație Adițională

Cîmp Valoare
Autor Susana Barbosa
Last Updated mai 27, 2024, 12:42 (UTC)
Creat noiembrie 23, 2023, 10:17 (UTC)
Citation Barbosa, S. (2023). Sagres ship corrected meteorological data 2020 [Data set]. INESC TEC.
Contributor António Camilo
Mărimea Fișierului 500 KB
Format excel
Is new version of
Limba EN
Relation Barbosa, Susana, & Karimova, Yulia. (2021). SAIL Data Management Plan (Version 2.0.0). Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4286209.
Software Text editor, excel or equivalent spreadsheet software
Spatial Coverage Atlantic Ocean
Temporal Coverage 2020-01-05 to 2020-05-09
Type of Instrument Thermometers, Anemometers, Odometers