Multi-agent Kidney Exchange Program: dataset for simulation along time horizon
Date și Resurse
mKEP_6y_seeds 1-25ZIP
25 instances with mKEP of 4 agents evlove over 6 years, generated with seed =...
mKEP_6y_seeds 26-50ZIP
25 instances with mKEP of 4 agents evlove over 6 years, generated with seed =...
mKEP_6y_seeds 51-75ZIP
25 instances with mKEP of 4 agents evlove over 6 years, generated with seed =...
mKEP_6y_seeds 76-100ZIP
25 instances with mKEP of 4 agents evlove over 6 years, generated with seed =...
Informație Adițională
Cîmp | Valoare |
Source | The multi-agent generator is base on a single agent generator, proposed in N. Santos, P. Tubertini, A. Viana, and J.P. Pedroso. Kidney exchange simulation and optimization.Journal of the Operational Research Society, pages 1–12, 12 2017. |
Autor | Xenia Klimentova, Ana Viana, João Pedro Pedroso, Nicolau Santos |
Last Updated | iunie 17, 2020, 13:53 (UTC) |
Creat | iunie 16, 2020, 15:22 (UTC) |
CiteAs | KLIMENTOVA, X., VIANA, A., PEDROSO, J.P., SANTOS, N. Multi-agent Kidney Exchange Program: dataset for simulation along time horizon [dataset]. 16 June 2020. INESC TEC research data repository. DOI: |
DOI | |
dc.Contributor | The generator was developed based on the generator, proposed in N. Santos, P. Tubertini, A. Viana, and J.P. Pedroso. Kidney exchange simulation and optimization.Journal of the Operational Research Society, pages 1–12, 12 2017 |
dc.Coverage.Spatial | CEGI, INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal |
dc.Date | 2017 |
dc.Format | *.txt, *.csv, *.py, *.zip |
dc.Format.Extent | 177 MB |
dc.Language | EN |
dc.Publisher | INESC TEC |
dc.Relation | 1. X. Klimentova, A. Viana, J. P. Pedroso, N. Santos. Fairness models for multi-agent kidney exchange programmes. To appear in Omega: The International Journal of Management Science (2020). 2. Monteiro, T., Klimentova, X., Pedroso, J.P., Viana, A.. A comparison of matching algorithms for kidney exchange programs addressing waiting time. Cent Eur J Oper Res (2020). |
dc.Type | Compatibility graph and characteristics of the vertices for multi-agent Kidney Exchange Problem, evolving along time horizon of 6 years. |
ddi.InstrumentType | The generator used for generation of the instances is implemented in Python programming language |