ArchOnto ontology representation of Portuguese archival description units (baptism records and passports).

The content of the datasets include an excerpt of the ArchOnto ontology representation of the DigitArq baptisms records from Bragança District Archive and passports.

These datasets, represented in ArchOnto, were obtained through an automatic tranformation from the CIDOC-CRM ontology representation. The initial records, represented in CIDOC-CRM, were the result of a migration process of records obtained from the DigitArq - Portuguese Archive Database.

The migration from CIDOC-CRM to ArchOnto was made using SPARQL update queries. The datasets include the ArchOnto ontology representation of the DigitArq baptisms records from Bragança District Archive from 1644 to 1911, and passports records from 1914 to 1918.

Regarding the datasets, it also includes a comparison on the number of classes and properties of the previous representation, in CIDOC CRM, and the ArchOnto representation, presented here. The comparison files are in a table format, where the CIDOC CRM and ArchOnto columns include the number of individuals of the corresponding class or the number of assertions for the corresponding property.

Also, contains the ArchOnto Ontology version used and its sub-ontologies (CIDOC-CRM, N-ary, DataObject, Link2DataObject, and ISAD Ontology).

This work was done in the context of the R&D EPISA project (Entity and Property Inference for Semantic Archives), a research project financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) – DSAIPA/DS/0023/2018.

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Informație Adițională

Cîmp Valoare
Autor Catarina Pires, Inês Koch, Sérgio Nunes
Last Updated mai 3, 2024, 15:01 (UTC)
Creat februarie 27, 2023, 09:56 (UTC)
Citation Pires, C., Koch, I., & Nunes, S. (2023). ArchOnto ontology representation of Portuguese archival description units (baptism records and passports). [Data set]. INESC TEC.
Contributor EPISA Project Team
Date of Creation 24-01-2023
Mărimea Fișierului Baptisms (724KB zipped), Passports (88KB zipped), ArchOnto (90KB zipped), Statistics(63KB zipped)
Format .owl, .rdf .csv
Limba PT
Spatial Coverage Aldoar, Porto, Portugal; Torre do Tombo, Portugal
Temporal Coverage 1914-1918 (Passports), 1644-1911 (Baptisms)