Multi-domain data description sessions follow-up questionnaires

This dataset consists in data from 13 multi-domain data description sessions follow-up questionnaires. Researchers from the University of Porto participated in a data description session and filled in a follow-up questionnaire to assess their interest in research data management, the usefulness of data description, among others. The questionnaire was conducted on Google Forms and the data copied to a spreadsheet, because the questionnaires were made individually taking into account the specificity of one of the questions.

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Cîmp Valoare
Autor João Aguiar Castro
Last Updated aprilie 30, 2024, 12:35 (UTC)
Creat ianuarie 9, 2020, 16:02 (UTC)
Citation CASTRO, J.A. Multi-domain data description sessions follow-up questionnaires [dataset]. 9 jan 2020 INESC TEC research data repository. DOI:
Date of Creation 2019
Format *.xlsx; *.pdf
Instrument Name Google forms
Instrument Type Online survey platform
Limba PT
Size 171 KB
Spatial Coverage University of Porto
Temporal Coverage 2018-2019
Type text