Multi-domain data description sessions data

This dataset results from 13 data description sessions conducted at U. Porto. In each session researchers have created metadata in the Dendro, research data management platform. A project for each session was created beforehand in Dendro and all the sessions were kept under the same account. All projects were kept private. This was explained to the researchers and they could have changed any information if they wanted to. When scheduling the sessions researchers were asked to choose a dataset to describe. The sessions started by introducing researchers to Dendro with a brief demonstration of its features. The researchers were then asked to create a folder and upload their datasets. During the session the selection of descriptors was mostly up to them. Exceptionally, they were asked if a given descriptor was suitable to contextualize their data. Sessions audio was recorded with the researchers’ consent and were deleted after the transcription of relevant events and comments during each session to complement the analysis of the metadata produced. The audio was also used to mark the moment the researchers started and finished the description, in order to ascertain the session duration.

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Autor João Aguiar Castro
Last Updated mai 2, 2024, 09:56 (UTC)
Creat ianuarie 9, 2020, 16:00 (UTC)
Citation CASTRO, J.A. Multi-domain data description sessions data [dataset]. 9 jan 2020 INESC TEC research data repository. DOI:
Date of Creation 2019
Format *.xlsx
Format Extent text
Instrument Type Research data management platform
Limba PT; EN
Relation (Doctoral Thesis) Engaging researchers in research data management: creating metadata models for multi-domain dataset description
Size 34.4 KB
Spatial Coverage University of Porto
Temporal Coverage 2018-2019