RIS Based Hand Gesture Recognition Dataset

This dataset contains images for gesture recognition, divided into two main sets: dataset0608 and data_synthetic_variab. The data was collected using a wooden hand.

dataset0608 This dataset consists of two modes: ris_random and ris_optimized. The main difference between the two subfolders is the configuration of the RIS (random or optimized).

This dataset consists of four subfolders: ris_random, ris_random2, ris_optimized, and ris_optimized2. The main difference between the subfolders is the format of the data: - ris_random and ris_optimized: Data is stored in individual files for each frame, named as 'frame_{i}{posture}{n_med}' - ris_random2 and ris_optimized2: Data has already been processed and combined into single files for all frames using the compact_files_frames.txt function, named as 'all_frames_{posture}_{n_med}'

For each gestures = {close, two, open}, we have n_med values from 0 to 114 and 10 frames. Therefore, the ris_random and ris_optimized folders contain 10 frames × 115 measurements × 3 gestures = 3450 files, while the ris_random2 and ris_optimized2 folders contain 1 × 115 measurements × 3 gestures = 345 files.


This dataset consists of two modes: ris_random and ris_optimized. The main difference between the two subfolders is the configuration of the RIS (random or optimized).

This dataset consists of four subfolders: ris_random, ris_random2, ris_optimized, and ris_optimized2. The main difference between the subfolders is the format of the data: - ris_random and ris_optimized: Data is stored in individual files for each frame, named as 'frame_{i}{posture}{n_med}' - ris_random2 and ris_optimized2: Data has already been processed and combined into single files for all frames using the compact_files_frames.txt function, named as 'all_frames_{posture}_{n_med}'

For each gestures = {close, two, open}, we have n_med values from 0 to 8 and 10 frames. This dataset provides additional synthetic data with variations in hand position to increase the dataset's diversity. Each gesture is represented by 8 different ways, where the hand position was slightly modified between each sample. These real data were used as a basis for generating synthetic data. By using the functions in the files "multiply_files.txt" and "add_gaussian_noise.txt," the dataset was expanded and made more realistic by adding Gaussian noise to the images.

Therefore, the ris_random and ris_optimized folders contain 10 frames × 8 measurements × 3 gestures = 240 files, while the ris_random2 and ris_optimized2 folders contain 1 × 8 measurements × 3 gestures = 24 files.

Functions * add_gaussian_noise.txt: This script adds Gaussian noise to the images to simulate real-world conditions and improve the robustness of the model. * compact_files_frames.txt: This script combines multiple frames into a single image, which can be useful for certain types of analysis.

데이터와 리소스

추가 정보

저자 Mariana Barros Oliveira, Francisco M. Ribeiro, Nuno Paulino, Luís M. Pessoa
최종 업데이트 9월 24, 2024, 10:29 (UTC)
생성됨 9월 24, 2024, 10:16 (UTC)
Citation Oliveira, M., Ribeiro, F. M., Paulino, N., & Pessoa, L. M. (2024). RIS Based Hand Gesture Recognition Dataset [Data set]. INESC TEC. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13754235
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.13754234