Underwater environmental measurements at Krasnohorska cave (Slovakia)

Measurements of underwater gamma radiation and environmental parameters performed at Krasnohorska cave (Slovakia) during a field campaign in the framework of PT-SK bilateral project RADCAMIN (RADon in Caves and MINes – Portuguese and Slovak case studies). The high-resolution measurements (every 1-second) are performed with an innovative sensor developed by INESC TEC in order to be able to measure gamma radiation underwater, at depths of at least 100m.

The data are stored in individual files for each hour, named ddmmyyHH.TXT (where dd represents the day of the month, mm the month, yy the last 2 digits of the year, in this case 19, and HH the hour. Each file contains 6 columns, corresponding to the date (in the dd/mm/yy format), the time (in the HH:MM:SS format) the gamma radiation counts, the voltage (multiplied by 1000) the pressure in hPa (multiplied by 10) and the temperature (in deg Celsius, multiplied by 1000).

데이터와 리소스

추가 정보

저자 Guilherme Amaral Silva, Susana Barbosa
최종 업데이트 12월 13, 2022, 14:48 (UTC)
생성됨 12월 13, 2022, 14:45 (UTC)
Citation Amaral Silva, G., & Barbosa, S. (2022). Underwater environmental measurements at Krasnohorska cave (Slovakia) [Data set]. INESC TEC. https://doi.org/10.25747/14VY-CA07
DOI https://doi.org/10.25747/14VY-CA07
파일 크기 5 MB
포맷 txt
Language EN
Project RADCAMIN (RADon in Caves and MINes – Portuguese and Slovak case studies)
Software spreadsheets, R, pyhon, matlab
Spatial Coverage 48.62137N 20.59871E
Temporal Coverage 2019/07/26 - 2019/07/28
Type of Instrument NaI(Tl) 3"x3" scintillometer; in-house prototype adapted for underwater operation