CIDOC-CRM Ontology Representation of the Portuguese Archival Description Unit Obtained From the Semantic Migration Process of DigitArq.

This dataset includes an excerpt of the CIDOC-CRM Ontology Representation of the DigitArq records from Bragança District Archive, two SPARQL query examples - "What are the locals and their parishes located in the county 'Bragança' between 1900 and 1910?" and "What is the number of children per couple, between 1800 and 1850?", to facilitate the ontology exploration.

Also, a Semantic Migration of Fonds Examples, namely "Paróquia de Aldoar" (, with reference code "PT/ADPRT/PRQ/PPRT01" and "Juízo da Índia e Mina" (, with reference code "PT/TT/JIM".

As well as, Installation Unit - REGISTOS DE BAPTISMOS, which is a CIDOC-CRM Ontology Representation of the Portuguese Archival Description Unit, entitled "Registos de Baptimos" (, with reference code "PT/ADPRT/PRQ/PPRT01/001/0004". This dataset is part of the results obtained from the semantic migration process of DigitArq - Portuguese Archive Database - metadata into CIDOC-CRM Ontology representation. This work is done in the context of the R&D EPISA project (Entity and Property Inference for Semantic Archives), a research project financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) - DSAIPA/DS/0023/2018.

데이터와 리소스

추가 정보

저자 Dora Melo; Irene Pimenta Rodrigues and Davide Varagnolo
최종 업데이트 5월 27, 2024, 12:59 (UTC)
생성됨 12월 7, 2022, 11:31 (UTC)
Citation Melo, D., Pimenta Rodrigues, I., & Varagnolo, D. (2022). CIDOC-CRM Ontology Representation of the Portuguese Archival Description Unit Obtained From the Semantic Migration Process of DigitArq. [Data set]. INESC TEC.
Contributor Universidade Nova de Lisboa Laboratório para a Ciência da Computacão e Informática
Creation Date 2020-06 to 2022-12
파일 크기 max: 2MB
포맷 .xml; .rdf; .owl; txt; .sparql
Language PT
Project EPISA
Software Protégé
Spatial Coverage Aldoar, Porto; Torre do Tombo
Temporal Coverage 1640-1911