Recordings related to System Separation in the Continental Europe

On 8 January 2021 at 14:05 CET the synchronous area of Continental Europe was separated into two separated areas due to outages of several transmission network elements in a very short time. This dataset is a recording of the grid parameters with high accurary, captured at the Smart Grids and Electric Vehicles Laboratory (SGEVL), INESCTEC, Porto, Portugal. The datasets can be used freely for any research and education activity, excluding any type of commercial use. This data was recorded by the MedFasee and INFUSE project infrastructure but are not within the scope of the projects. Anway, thay can have high scientific interest.

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Campo Valore
Autore Fábio Matheus Mantelli
Ultimo aggiornamento febbraio 13, 2021, 11:16 (UTC)
Creato febbraio 11, 2021, 14:43 (UTC)
CiteAs MANTELLI, F.M, DECKER, I.C., MIRANDA, L. Recodrings related to System Separation in the Continental Europe [dataset]. 11 february 2021. INESC TEC research data repository. DOI:
dc.Contributor Ildemar C. Decker; Luís Miranda
dc.Coverage.Spatial Smart Grids and Electric Vehicles Laboratory, Porto, Portugal
dc.Coverage.Temporal 8th January 2021
dc.Date 8 January 2021
dc.Format *xml; *txt
dc.Format.Extent 2 rar files: 7.15+21.2MB
dc.Publisher INESC TEC; MedFasee project consortium
dc.Type Grid voltage measurements in amplitude and phase, frequency and frequency deviation.
ddi.NameInstrument Reason RPV-311
ddi.Software Microsoft Excel; MATLAB; Others
ddi.TypeInstrument Digital Fault Recorder with PMU and TWFL