Metadata-driven RDM publications code...
It containts the corpus of analysis with labels for each publication and code categories. Includes text markup data for each publication. In the first sheet a label is assigned for each publication and the code categories are described. The text markup was performed in the CATMA 6.0 software
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Informations additionnelles
Champ | Valeur |
Dernière modification de la donnée | 8 mai 2020 |
Dernière modification de la métadonnée | 7 mai 2024 |
Créé le | 9 janvier 2020 |
Format | XLSX |
Licence | Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike |
Datastore active | False |
Has views | False |
Id | a9cf9233-0d03-4a6b-9a78-e57b6a4e3c6f |
Package id | 390760f5-5ef6-47e9-ba5a-1522833dc1fa |
Position | 0 |
State | active |
Url type | upload |