Text file with the general description of the dataset, its data preparation steps, including the SQL query to obtain the edges, the structure of the GML file, and suggestion of tools to explore the graph.
Il n'y a encore aucune visualisation créée pour cette ressource
Informations additionnelles
Champ | Valeur |
Dernière modification de la donnée | 6 mars 2019 |
Dernière modification de la métadonnée | 6 mars 2019 |
Créé le | 6 mars 2019 |
Format | TXT |
Licence | Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike |
Datastore active | False |
Has views | False |
Id | b18e95af-4be0-4396-ac91-bff2c70b9456 |
Package id | b26a0ae8-e8b5-4a30-ab7f-73575f3df37c |
Position | 2 |
State | active |
Url type | upload |