IMP Whole-Slide Images of Colorectal Samples 2024

The IMP-CRS 2024 dataset contains 5333 colorectal biopsy and polypectomy slides, retrieved from the data archive of IMP Diagnostics laboratory, Portugal, digitised at 40X by 2 Leica GT450 WSI scanners.

All cases are classified within one of the three categories:

  • Non-neoplastic (label 0)

  • Low-grade lesions (label 1) - conventional adenomas with low-grade dysplasia

  • High-grade lesions (label 2) - conventional adenomas with high-grade dysplasia, intra-mucosal carcinomas and invasive adenocarcinomas.

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Autor Pedro C. Neto, Diana Montezuma, Sara P. Oliveira, Domingos Oliveira, João Fraga, Ana Monteiro, Liliana Ribeiro, Sofia Gonçalves, Stefan Reinhard, Inti Zlobec, Isabel M. Pinho, Jaime S. Cardoso
Última actualización abril 29, 2024, 13:17 (UTC)
Creado enero 3, 2024, 16:37 (UTC)
Citation Neto, P. C., Montezuma, D., P. Oliveira, S., Oliveira, D., Fraga, J., Monteiro, A., Ribeiro, L., Gonçalves, S., Reinhard, S., Zlobec, I., Pinto, I. M., & Cardoso, J. S. (2024). IMP Whole-Slide Images of Colorectal Samples 2024 [Data set]. INESC TEC.
Creation Date 2024
Tamaño de Archivo 5333 whole silde images (~5 TB)
Formato .svs
Instrument Name Leica GT450 WS
Relation [1] Oliveira, S.P., Neto, P.C., Fraga, J., Montezuma, D., Monteiro, A., Monteiro, J., Ribeiro, L., Gonçalves, S., Pinto, I.M. and Cardoso, J.S., 2021. CAD systems for colorectal cancer from WSI are still not ready for clinical acceptance. Scientific Reports, 11(1), pp.1-15.
Relation [2] Neto, P.C., Oliveira, S.P., Montezuma, D., Fraga, J., Monteiro, A., Ribeiro, L., Gonçalves, S., Pinto, I.M. and Cardoso, J.S., 2022. iMIL4PATH: A semi-supervised interpretable approach for colorectal whole-slide images. Cancers, 14(10).
Relation [3] Neto, P.C., Montezuma, D., Oliveira, S.P., Oliveira, D., Fraga, J., Monteiro, A., Monteiro, J., Ribeiro, L., Gonçalves, S., Reinhard, S., Zlobec ,I. , Pinto, I.M. and Cardoso, J.S., 2024. An interpretable machine learning system for colorectal cancer diagnosis from pathology slides. npj Precision Oncology.
Software OpenSlide or any other digital pathology software
Type of Instrument Digital Pathology Scanner