ENCKEP Evaluation module: code and case studies

The content of the dataset is twofold:

I. It contains the results of two case studies made by the ENCKEP Simulation tool, developed within the COST ActionENCKEP COST Action: European Network for Collaboration on Kidney ExchangeProgrammes (ENCKEP) (https://www.enckep-cost.eu/)

II. It provides the source code of the Evaluation module, developed in R for evaluation of the results based on various metrics.

The details of case studies creation, the formats of the files, the details of usage of the Evaluation module are provided in the Handbook of Working Group 3 and 4 of the ENCKEP COST Action: European Network for Collaboration on Kidney ExchangeProgrammes (ENCKEP) ""International Kidney Exchange Programmes in Europe: Practice, Solution Models,Simulation and Evaluation tools"", available at https://www.enckep-cost.eu/

Case studies.

Each case study is organised in a zipped folder:

Case study #1 : Case_study_French.zip

The folder contains the results of the computational experiment on data which was created by modifying the real data in French Kidney Exchange Programme (KEP). Folder contains the following files:

input_arcs_FR.csv - file content compatibility graph

input_config_FR.json - file with distribution parameters for generation of missed data

input_failed_arcs_FR.csv - contain the list of arcs that fail after matching

input_failed_pairs_FR.csv - contain the list of pairs that fail after matching

input_hla_FR.csv - HLA data of donors and patients

input_objective_FR.json - file with the list of criteria for optimisation and the parameters of their usage including the approach of multi-objective optimisation (lexicographic or/and weighted optimisation)

Input_paris.csv - characteristics of pairs

Input_policy.csv - policy file with the setting for simulations

output_file_FR.xlsx - the excel file that merge all the output files of simulator, each file in separator sheet

Case study #2: Case_study_international.zip

The folder contains the results of computational experiments for several countries where only distribution parameters were provided for each country. List of files (see descriptions of contents of each file above):


input_config_FR.json - distribution parameters for generation of data for country FR

input_config_NL.json - distribution parameters for generation of data for country NL

input_config_UK.json - distribution parameters for generation of data for country UK





The three subfolders contain the results for three different policies run, each subfolder has:

input_NameOfPolicy_policy.json policy file for the corresponding policy Ouput_files_NameOfPolicy.xlsx output files


“no collaboration” folder contains the results for the policy where there is no collaboration between the countries (NameOfPolicy = individual );

“Consecutive_collaboration” is the collaboration when countries first run internal matching runs, and only the remaining pairs are participating in the international pool (NameOfPolicy = consecutive)

“Borderless_collaboration” content the results when countries completely merge their pools (NameOfPolicy = borderless)

II. R Evaluation module

ENCKEP_evaluator.R is the code of Evaluation module in R. The details of usage of the module are provided in the above mentioned Handbook.

ENCKEP_evaluator_report.pdf is the example of the report generated by the module for Case study #1.

Datos y Recursos

Información Adicional

Campo Valor
Fuente The ENCKEP Simulator tool and its usage is described in details in the Handbook of Working Group 3 and 4 of the ENCKEP COST Action: European Networkfor Collaboration on Kidney ExchangeProgrammes (ENCKEP) "International Kidney ExchangeProgrammes in Europe:Practice, Solution Models,Simulation and Evaluation tools", available at https://www.enckep-cost.eu/
Autor Xenia Klimentova
Última actualización abril 25, 2021, 14:05 (UTC)
Creado abril 23, 2021, 14:37 (UTC)
CiteAs KLIMENTOVA,X., DRUZSIN, K., KULCSÁR, F., FLEINER, R., BIRÓ, P., CHRISTIAN, J., BENOIT, A., VIANA, A. ENCKEP Evaluation module: code and case studies [dataset]. 23 april 2021. INESC TEC research data repository. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25747/dqk7-kt80
DOI https://doi.org/10.25747/dqk7-kt80
dc.Contributor Kristóf Druzsin, Fruzsina Kulcsár, Fleiner Rita, Péter Biró, Xenia Klimentova, Jacquelinet Christian, Aundry Benoit, Ana Viana
dc.Coverage.Spatial CEGI, INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal
dc.Coverage.Temporal 2021
dc.Date 2021
dc.Format *.csv, *.r, *.pdf, *.xlsx, *.json, *.zip
dc.Format.Extent 4 files: Case_study_French.zip(27KB), Case_study_international.zip (165KB), ENCKEP_evaluator.R (51KB), ENCKEP_evaluator_report.pdf (235 KB)
dc.Language English
dc.Publisher INESC TEC
dc.Relation The Handbook of Working Group 3 and 4 of the ENCKEP COST Action: European Networkfor Collaboration on Kidney ExchangeProgrammes (ENCKEP) "International Kidney ExchangeProgrammes in Europe:Practice, Solution Models,Simulation and Evaluation tools", available at https://www.enckep-cost.eu/
dc.Type Input data and output results for ENCKEP Simulation took, ENCKEP Evaluation tool code and output
ddi.NameInstrument ENCKEP Simulation tool
ddi.Software ENCKEP Simulation took, ENCKEP Evaluation tool
ddi.TypeInstrument ENCKEP Simulation tool was used to perform the case studies. For the first case study, the data set were created modifiying the real data real data in French KEP, for the second case study the data was generator by Input-Reader module of ENCKEP Simulation tool