SIGARRA News Corpus NER Models for OpenNLP, Stanford CoreNLP, spaCy, NLTK

Pre-trained models for named entity recognition in Portuguese, using the following entity classes: Hora (Hour), Evento (Event), Organizacao (Organization), Curso (Course), Pessoa (Person), Localizacao (Location), Data (Date) and UnidadeOrganica (Organic Unit).

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Felt Værdi
Forfatter André Pires
Last Updated november 15, 2018, 10:38 (UTC)
Oprettet juni 13, 2017, 16:16 (UTC)
dc.Coverage.Spatial Portugal
dc.Coverage.Temporal 2016-12-14 to 2017-03-01
dc.Date 2017
dc.Format *.zip
dc.Format.Extent 80MB
dc.Language PT
dc.Publisher INESC TEC
dc.Relation Master´s thesis: PIRES, André (2017).Named entity recognition on Portuguese web text. Porto: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.
dc.Type Serialized Named Entity Recognition Models