Immersive Learning Thematic Network Data

Information for a database where practices, strategies and uses of Immersive Learning are connected with works in the field. These Practices, Strategies and Uses were found through merging the mentioned accounts, which are texts collected from surveys of Immersive Learning, into more generalized categories. Then, the original works that were referenced in the accounts were tracked down and now, this dataset allows the direct connection of these original works with the Practices, Strategies and Uses. The project that led to this dataset, uses it to create a thematic network with this data, that organizes the works of the fields through themes.

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Pole Hodnota
Autor Madalena Sousa; Leonel Morgado; Fernando Cassola; Dennis Beck; Patrick O´Shea
Naposledy aktualizováno května 27, 2024, 12:44 (UTC)
Vytvořeno srpna 17, 2022, 08:27 (UTC)
Citation Sousa, M., Morgado, L., Cassola, F., Beck, D., & O´Shea, P. (2022). Immersive Learning, Practices, Strategies, Uses, Network, Thematic Network [Data set]. INESC TEC.
Velikost souboru 221 KB, 225 KB
Jazyk English
dc.Created 22/06/2022