Methods and Tools for Causal Discovery and Causal Inference
Data a zdroje
Methods and Tools for Causal Discovery and...ZIP
Causal DiscoveryZIP
This folder contains: file pattern comparation.R - with examples for pcalg,...
Causal EstimationZIP
This folder contains the running_example.R - Code to replicate the results...
Doplňující informace
Pole | Hodnota |
Autor | Ana Rita Nogueira, Andrea Pugnana, Salvatore Ruggieiri, Dino Pedreschi and João Gama |
Naposledy aktualizováno | 28. dubna 2022, 9:28 (UTC+00:00) |
Vytvořeno | 28. dubna 2022, 8:00 (UTC+00:00) |
Citation | Nogueira, A. R., Pugnana, A., Ruggieiri , S., Pedreschi, D., & Gama, J. (2022). Methods and Tools for Causal Discovery and Causal Inference [Data set]. INESC TEC. |
DOI | 10.25747/S9C3-AR89 |
dc.Created | 23/01/2021 |
dc.Relation | Nogueira, A. R., Pugnana, A., Ruggieri, S., Pedreschi, D., & Gama, J. (2022). Methods and tools for causal discovery and causal inference. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 12( 2), e1449. |
dc.Type | Code and text explanations |