Semantic representation of the Registos de Baptismos da Paróquia de Aldoar...
This dataset comprises mappings of archival records from the National Archives of Portugal to the RiC-O (Records in Contexts Ontology) framework, namely the baptism registries... -
Typewritten Digital Representations of Portuguese Cultural Heritage...
The dataset has typewritten Portuguese documents extracted from the Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo (https://digitarq.arquivos.pt/). It includes records from two fonds of the... -
Analysis of the DigitArq archive record entities and their properties in...
This dataset, which is the product of a master's dissertation (https://hdl.handle.net/10216/143034), analyzed a sample of 25 records from the Portuguese National Archives... -
Tribunal do Santo Ofício in ArchOnto - Extension of archival records through...
This dataset comprises mappings of representations of archive records in ArchOnto, DBpedia, and Wikidata. These manual representations demonstrate how archive entities are... -
ArchOnto ontology representation of Portuguese archival description units...
The content of the datasets include an excerpt of the ArchOnto ontology representation of the DigitArq baptisms records from Bragança District Archive and passports. These... -
Consensual ArchOnto representation of 13 Portuguese Historical Archival...
The dataset contains archival descriptions represented in the ArchOnto model (https://rdm.inesctec.pt/dataset/cs-2022-004) of 13 records from the 20th century with typewritten... -
ArchOnto - January, 2022
A linked data model for archives composed of five different ontologies - CIDOC CRM (base ontology developed in the museums context), DataObject, N-ary (based in CIDOC...
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