Gamma radiation monitoring at the Azores ENA-ARM station (Graciosa Island)
Gamma-ray total counts in counts/minute (cpm), every 15-minutes, from the Gamma Radiation Monitoring campaign at the ENA site (Graciosa, Azores). Data were collected to study... -
Radon concentration (Bq.m-3) from INESC TEC station (Porto). Updated monthly.
The dataset consists on measurements every 6-hours of radon concentration on the roof of INESC TEC main building. This dataset has Jupyter notebook for visualization (for better... -
Meteorological data from LFC/FEUP station
The dataset consists on measurements every 5-minutes from the LFC/FEUP meteorological station, including air temperature (in degrees C), relative humidity (%), atmospheric... -
Gamma radiation from INESC TEC station (Porto)
The dataset consists on measurements of the total number of gamma rays counted by a NaI(Tl) scintillator on the roof of INESC TEC main building. This dataset has Jupyter... -
Gamma radiation data from ENVRIplus TNA campaign RELECT at SMEAR II –...
Gamma radiation measurements in counts/minute (cpm) every 5-minutes. -
Electric field data from ENVRIplus TNA campaign RELECT at SMEAR II –...
Vertical electric field measurements (in V/m), 1-min averages.
You can also access this registry using the API (see Documente API).