Gamma radiation monitoring at the Azores ENA-ARM station (Graciosa Island)
Gamma-ray total counts in counts/minute (cpm), every 15-minutes, from the Gamma Radiation Monitoring campaign at the ENA site (Graciosa, Azores). Data were collected to study... -
Artificial Intelligence and Infodemic: Video Dataset for Fact-Checked Health...
Videos created using prototypes and APIs for participatory research. The videos were used as technological probes presented to various stakeholders. This dataset was created in... -
Semantic representation of the Registos de Baptismos da Paróquia de Aldoar...
This dataset comprises mappings of archival records from the National Archives of Portugal to the RiC-O (Records in Contexts Ontology) framework, namely the baptism registries... -
Wikipedia and Simple Wikipedia Lead Section Pairs for Nine Categories
The dataset (categorized_dataset folder) contains 9 files in .csv format, each a collection of 10,000 lead section pairs sourced from Wikipedia (https://www.wikipedia.org/) and... -
Metadata and Analysis of Clinical Information Extraction Publications Using...
This dataset contains all the data collected on all the papers analyzed in our publication, entitled "Harnessing Large Language Models for Clinical Information Extraction: A... -
Content Analysis of Publications in Experimental domains
This dataset support the proposal of manual content analysis as an approach to streamline the data curator workflow. We have performed manual context analysis over publications... -
Research Data Management behaviors in the image lifecycle
Research data management (RDM) practices are critical to ensuring research success. Data can take different formats and data in image format has been little studied in RDM. To... -
CIDOC-CRM Ontology Representation of the Portuguese Archival Description...
This dataset includes an excerpt of the CIDOC-CRM Ontology Representation of the DigitArq records from Bragança District Archive, two SPARQL query examples - "What are the... -
Typewritten Digital Representations of Portuguese Cultural Heritage...
The dataset has typewritten Portuguese documents extracted from the Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo (https://digitarq.arquivos.pt/). It includes records from two fonds of the... -
ISAD(G) Descriptions of Archival Records With Entity Annotation
This dataset contains long text ISAD(G) fields from records from the Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo annotated with entities. It was built to evaluate the effectiveness of... -
Manual Transcriptions of Typewritten Digital Representations of Portuguese...
The dataset includes manual transcriptions of typewritten digital representations of Portuguese cultural heritage documents from the 20th century, extracted from the Arquivo... -
Immersive Learning Thematic Network Data
Information for a database where practices, strategies and uses of Immersive Learning are connected with works in the field. These Practices, Strategies and Uses were found... -
Salary trends for public higher education teachers in Portugal (2004-2024)
This dataset gathers data on the salaries of public higher education teachers in Portugal between 2004 and 2024. -
Analysis of the DigitArq archive record entities and their properties in...
This dataset, which is the product of a master's dissertation (https://hdl.handle.net/10216/143034), analyzed a sample of 25 records from the Portuguese National Archives... -
Matrix profile analysis of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in palaeoclimate time series
This dataset includes all the datafiles and computational notebooks required to reproduce the work reported in the paper “Characterisation of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in... -
Research Data Management metadata-driven studies survey corpus and coding
This dataset resulted from a survey over research data management metadriven studies. A summary of RDM studies was outlined that use at least one technique to engage researchers... -
Tribunal do Santo Ofício in ArchOnto - Extension of archival records through...
This dataset comprises mappings of representations of archive records in ArchOnto, DBpedia, and Wikidata. These manual representations demonstrate how archive entities are... -
ArchOnto ontology representation of Portuguese archival description units...
The content of the datasets include an excerpt of the ArchOnto ontology representation of the DigitArq baptisms records from Bragança District Archive and passports. These... -
Research image management practices reported by scientific literature:...
The dataset includes a set of 109 articles that include relevant information about image management in the context of research. Selected articles are grouped according to Web of... -
Multi-domain data description sessions data
This dataset results from 13 data description sessions conducted at U. Porto. In each session researchers have created metadata in the Dendro, research data management platform....
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