ANODE, an underwater dataset for sacrificial anode detection
The ANODE dataset was created in the context of the ATLANTIS project and contains 18230 images collected at the ATLANTIS Test Center in Viana do Castelo, more specifically at... -
Semantic representation of the Registos de Baptismos da Paróquia de Aldoar...
This dataset comprises mappings of archival records from the National Archives of Portugal to the RiC-O (Records in Contexts Ontology) framework, namely the baptism registries... -
Wikipedia and Simple Wikipedia Lead Section Pairs for Nine Categories
The dataset (categorized_dataset folder) contains 9 files in .csv format, each a collection of 10,000 lead section pairs sourced from Wikipedia (https://www.wikipedia.org/) and... -
Metadata and Analysis of Clinical Information Extraction Publications Using...
This dataset contains all the data collected on all the papers analyzed in our publication, entitled "Harnessing Large Language Models for Clinical Information Extraction: A... -
Defect Detection Dataset: Porosities in Machined Aluminum Holes
This dataset comprises 302 JPEG images captured with an endoscopic camera, focusing on detecting porosities in the machined holes inner walls of cast aluminum parts. Each image... -
Heart and Clavicle Segmentation References in Chest Radiography - Montgomery Dataset
The analysis of chest radiography imaging is of paramount importance for healthcare institutions since it is one of the most used imaging modalities for patient diagnosis,... -
Daily profiles (2020) of load of a rural synthetic electricity distribution...
This dataset was prepared under the framework of the ATTEST project, financed by the European Commission with grant number 864298. The dataset contains information about a... -
An urban synthetic electricity distribution network from Spain, first...
This dataset was prepared under the framework of the ATTEST project, financed by the European Commission with grant number 864298. The dataset contains information about the... -
CIDOC-CRM Ontology Representation of the Portuguese Archival Description...
This dataset includes an excerpt of the CIDOC-CRM Ontology Representation of the DigitArq records from Bragança District Archive, two SPARQL query examples - "What are the... -
NEREON (uNderwater dataset for monoculaR dEpth estimatiON)
In the context of the ATLANTIS project, the NEREON dataset (uNderwater datasEt for monoculaR dEpth estimatiON) was created to provide information for training Deep Learning... -
Typewritten Digital Representations of Portuguese Cultural Heritage...
The dataset has typewritten Portuguese documents extracted from the Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo (https://digitarq.arquivos.pt/). It includes records from two fonds of the... -
Manual Transcriptions of Typewritten Digital Representations of Portuguese...
The dataset includes manual transcriptions of typewritten digital representations of Portuguese cultural heritage documents from the 20th century, extracted from the Arquivo... -
Data of real-time prediction of Wikipedia articles' quality
This dataset contains data produced for the dissertation. "Real-time prediction of Wikipedia articles' quality". The project was conducted by student Pedro Miguel Moás... -
Immersive Learning Thematic Network Data
Information for a database where practices, strategies and uses of Immersive Learning are connected with works in the field. These Practices, Strategies and Uses were found... -
Matrix profile analysis of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in palaeoclimate time series
This dataset includes all the datafiles and computational notebooks required to reproduce the work reported in the paper “Characterisation of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in... -
Tribunal do Santo Ofício in ArchOnto - Extension of archival records through...
This dataset comprises mappings of representations of archive records in ArchOnto, DBpedia, and Wikidata. These manual representations demonstrate how archive entities are... -
Synthetic electricity distribution network from UK for flexibility analysis...
The dataset contains information about a realistic 6.6 kV weakly meshed synthetic UK distribution network with 38 buses and 38 lines, and 124 buses and 124 lines. The network... -
Consensual ArchOnto representation of 13 Portuguese Historical Archival...
The dataset contains archival descriptions represented in the ArchOnto model (https://rdm.inesctec.pt/dataset/cs-2022-004) of 13 records from the 20th century with typewritten... -
PhysioIntent: Multimodal dataset for human intention prediction research
PhysioIntent database was acquired during the master thesis at INESC TEC. The dataset was built to research human movement intention through biosignals (electromyogram (EMG),... -
Part of the electricity transmission system from Croatia (10 nodes) – ATTEST project
This dataset was prepared under the framework of the ATTEST project, financed by the European Commission with grant number 864298. The dataset contains information about part of...
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