Bioimaging Challenge 2015 Breast Histology Dataset

This dataset contains breast histology images from four classes: normal, benign, in situ carconima and invasive carcinoma. A trained Convolutional Neural Network for the classification of these images is also available. To access the dataset please request your password via the link and fill the form.

Users of this dataset should cite the following article: Teresa Araújo, Guilherme Aresta, Eduardo Castro, José Rouco, Paulo Aguiar, Catarina Eloy, António Polónia, and Aurélio Campilho, Classification of Breast Cancer Histology Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks, PLOS ONE, 2017. Available at:

Please also refer the link of the dataset download page (this page):

In addition, we appreciate to hear about any publications that use this dataset. The contact e-mail is

Data ja resurssit


Kenttä Arvo
Laatija Teresa Araújo, Guilherme Aresta, Eduardo Castro, José Rouco, Paulo Aguiar, Catarina Eloy, António Polónia, Aurélio Campilho
Viimeksi päivitetty marraskuuta 15, 2018, 11:19 (UTC)
Luotu huhtikuuta 21, 2017, 12:17 (UTC)
dc.Coverage.Spatial Images acquired from patients in Porto and Covilhã
dc.Coverage.Temporal Between october 2014 and march 2015
dc.Date April and October 2015
dc.Format *.tiff, *.py
dc.Format.Extent 2,53GB
dc.Publisher FEUP, INESC TEC, i3S, INEB, Ipatimup, FMUP
dc.Relation Teresa Araújo, Guilherme Aresta, Eduardo Castro, José Rouco, Paulo Aguiar, Catarina Eloy, António Polónia, and Aurélio Campilho, Classification of Breast Cancer Histology Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks, PLOS ONE, 2017. Available at:
dc.Type breast cancer histology images; convolutional neural network pyhton code