## Numerical Weather Predictions (NWP) Information: timestamp_utc -> Timestamp of each lead time in the forecasts horizon, in UTC. timerequests -> Time of each forecast run initialization, in UTC. Solar dataset is stored in folder 'NWP_datasets' Every .csv file is constituted by a 'timestamp_utc' and 'timerequests' column as well as 169 columns with information of a specific NWP variable for each geographical point. The column names for the timeseries of every NWP variable for each geo. location is defined as follows: 'variablename_' + 'GEOID', where 'GEOID' is the identification of each geo. location. The coordinates (latitude, longitude) of each point are found by matching the 'point' column of file 'coordinates.csv', with the value of 'GEOID'. The central point of each NWP grid corresponds to the location of the solar PV power plant. The timeseries for this point are represented by 'GEOID' = 85 Example: - 'NWP_datasets/swflx_4km.csv' comprises shortwave-flux data for 169 geographical points. - In this file, column 'swflx_1' represents the timeseries for 'point' 1 of table '/solar/coordinates.csv', namely (41.393288,-8.873433) (latitude, longitude). - Column 'swflx_85' represents the shortwave-flux forecasts for the PV Power Plant. A .kml file with the world map representation of each NWP grid is included.