RIS Based Hand Gesture Recognition Dataset
This dataset contains images for gesture recognition, divided into two main sets: dataset0608 and data_synthetic_variab. The data was collected using a wooden hand. dataset0608... -
Immersive Learning Thematic Network Data
Information for a database where practices, strategies and uses of Immersive Learning are connected with works in the field. These Practices, Strategies and Uses were found... -
Salary trends for public higher education teachers in Portugal (2004-2024)
This dataset gathers data on the salaries of public higher education teachers in Portugal between 2004 and 2024. -
Analysis of the DigitArq archive record entities and their properties in...
This dataset, which is the product of a master's dissertation (https://hdl.handle.net/10216/143034), analyzed a sample of 25 records from the Portuguese National Archives... -
Linked data descriptions of seven arrowheads dated between the Chalcolitic...
This dataset is the result of research carried out by a multidisciplinary team made up of information architects and archaeologists whose aim was to find a framework for... -
Research Data Management metadata-driven studies survey corpus and coding
This dataset resulted from a survey over research data management metadriven studies. A summary of RDM studies was outlined that use at least one technique to engage researchers... -
Tribunal do Santo Ofício in ArchOnto - Extension of archival records through...
This dataset comprises mappings of representations of archive records in ArchOnto, DBpedia, and Wikidata. These manual representations demonstrate how archive entities are... -
Research image management practices reported by scientific literature:...
The dataset includes a set of 109 articles that include relevant information about image management in the context of research. Selected articles are grouped according to Web of... -
Multi-domain data description sessions data
This dataset results from 13 data description sessions conducted at U. Porto. In each session researchers have created metadata in the Dendro, research data management platform.... -
Evaluation of the adoption of the RDA recommendations
This work describes the work carried out wit several participants, from the University of Porto community, to promote of the adoption of the recommendations of the Research Data... -
Analysis of baptism, marriage and death registers belonging to the District...
The content of the datasets has description units related to baptisms, marriages and deaths from the District Archive of Guarda; baptisms, marriages and deaths from the District... -
Multi-domain data description sessions follow-up questionnaires
This dataset consists in data from 13 multi-domain data description sessions follow-up questionnaires. Researchers from the University of Porto participated in a data... -
User evaluation of the DigitArq and DigitArq+ interfaces
This dataset is part of a dissertation entitled "Evaluation of the migration of archival records to linked data in the EPISA project" (https://hdl.handle.net/10216/143042 ).... -
Automatic Quality Assessment of Wikipedia Articles - A Systematic Literature...
This is the result dataset related to the article entitled "Automatic Quality Assessment of Wikipedia Articles - A Systematic Literature Review", which is a systematic... -
Analysis of the interviews with DGLAB archivists and DGLAB satisfaction survey
This dataset contains the script used to interview the archivists at the DGLAB (General Directorate of Archives, Libraries and Books) and the questions analysed in the DGLAB... -
Automated Image Label Extraction from Radiology Reports
This data set contains the raw data from Figures 3 and 4 of the manuscript "Automated Image Label Extraction from Radiology Reports - A Review" The data used to create Figure 3... -
Research data management in image format - Survey
These datasets were the result of research on research data management in image format. Based on the data collected, it was possible to study the practices and habits in the... -
Innovation indicators for the academic context
Based on an informational perspective on I&D+i (Research and Development and innovation) and entrepreneurship, it is presented a study applied to the knowledge transfer and...
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