Research data management in image format - Survey
Data og ressourcer
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Yderligere info
Felt | Værdi |
Forfatter | Miguel Fernandes, Joana Rodrigues, Carla Teixeira Lopes |
Last Updated | juni 4, 2020, 15:49 (UTC) |
Oprettet | juni 4, 2020, 10:26 (UTC) |
CiteAs | FERNANDES, M., RODRIGUES, J., LOPES, C.T. Research data management in image format - Survey [dataset]. 04 jun 2020. INESC TEC research data repository. DOI: |
DOI | |
dc.Coverade.Temporal | 20/02/2020 - 26/03/2020 |
dc.Coverage.Spatial | University of Porto research community, namely i3S and INESC-TEC, and in research units outside the University of Porto funded in 2019 by the Foundation for Science and Technology. Namely, Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra, Cardiovascular Centre of the University of Lisbon, Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies of Universidade Catolica Portuguesa and Center for Mathematics and Applications of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. |
dc.Date | April 2020 |
dc.Format | *.xlsx |
dc.Format.Extent | 9,50 MB |
dc.Language | PT | EN |
dc.Publisher | INESC-TEC/FEUP |
dc.Relation | Miguel Fernandes, Joana Rodrigues and Carla Lopes. Management of research data in image format: an exploratory study on current practices, 24th Internacional Conference on Theory and Practice on Digital Libraries (paper accepted and waiting publishment) |
dc.Type | Digital document - Spreadsheet with results obtained and statistical analysis |
ddi.InstrumentName | Google Forms |
ddi.InstrumentType | Questionnaire |
ddi.Software | The data were analyzed using SPSS |