Popis datové sady:
Portuguese Hate Speech Twitter Dataset is a dataset of Twitter messages manually annotated for Hate Speech using a hierarchical structure of classes. 5,668 messages were collected on...
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Další informace
Pole | Hodnota |
Datum aktualizace dat | 4. ledna 2018 |
Datum aktualizace metadat | 4. ledna 2018 |
Vytvořeno | 4. ledna 2018 |
Formát | TXT |
Licence | Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike |
Datastore active | False |
Has views | False |
Id | e0cd3ed0-36c5-4de1-871a-0e22cd20fd6f |
Package id | fc50f87b-c705-4983-a085-510ac8a99bf7 |
Position | 3 |
State | active |
Url type | upload |