Twitter profiles with related topics and websites
This dataset contains two files created for the dissertation "A Social Media Tool for Domain-Specific Information Retrieval - A Case Study in Human Trafficking" by Tito Griné... -
Wikipedia information quality assessment
Dataset from the second part of the Master Dissertation - "Avaliação da qualidade da Wikipédia enquanto fonte de informação em saúde" (Wikipedia quality assessment as health... -
Multi-domain data description sessions follow-up questionnaires
This dataset consists in data from 13 multi-domain data description sessions follow-up questionnaires. Researchers from the University of Porto participated in a data... -
User evaluation of the DigitArq and DigitArq+ interfaces
This dataset is part of a dissertation entitled "Evaluation of the migration of archival records to linked data in the EPISA project" (https://hdl.handle.net/10216/143042 ).... -
Radon data from ENVRIplus TNA campaign RELECT at SMEAR II – HYYTIÄLÄ...
Radon concentration measurements (in Bq/m3) every 2-hours. -
Labadain-30k+: A Monolingual Tetun Document-Level Audited Dataset
Labadain-30k+ is a monolingual Tetun dataset containing 33,550 documents spanning from June 2001 to September 2023, excluding the years 2004 and 2005, for which no documents are... -
ArchOnto - January, 2022
A linked data model for archives composed of five different ontologies - CIDOC CRM (base ontology developed in the museums context), DataObject, N-ary (based in CIDOC... -
Images annotated according to their content: a study on the description of...
Data description is a fundamental step in Research Data Management (RDM). When it comes to images, the challenge is increased, as they have characteristics that differentiate... -
Evolution of Web search engine interfaces through SERP screenshots and HTML...
This dataset was extracted for a study on the evolution of Web search engine interfaces since their appearance. The well-known list of “10 blue links” has evolved into richer... -
Classification of online health messages
Classification of online health messages The dataset has 487 annotated messages taken from Medhelp, an online health forum with several health communities... -
Radon concentration (Bq.m-3) from INESC TEC station (Porto). Updated monthly.
The dataset consists on measurements every 6-hours of radon concentration on the roof of INESC TEC main building. This dataset has Jupyter notebook for visualization (for better... -
Wikipedia information quality comparison between idioms
Source code and dataset from the first part of my Master Dissertation - "Avaliação da qualidade da Wikipédia enquanto fonte de informação em saúde" (Wikipedia quality assessment... -
Research data management in image format - Survey
These datasets were the result of research on research data management in image format. Based on the data collected, it was possible to study the practices and habits in the... -
Meteorological data from LFC/FEUP station
The dataset consists on measurements every 5-minutes from the LFC/FEUP meteorological station, including air temperature (in degrees C), relative humidity (%), atmospheric... -
Atmospheric electric field from INESC TEC station (Porto)
The dataset consists on 1-min measurements of the atmospheric electric field by a CS110 field mill installed on the roof of INESC TEC main building. This dataset has Jupyter... -
Gamma radiation from INESC TEC station (Porto)
The dataset consists on measurements of the total number of gamma rays counted by a NaI(Tl) scintillator on the roof of INESC TEC main building. This dataset has Jupyter... -
SIGARRA News Corpus
This dataset was taken from the SIGARRA information system at the University of Porto (UP). Every organic unit has its own domain and produces academic news. We collected a... -
Simple English Wikipedia Link Graph with Clickstream Transitions 2018-12
The Simple English Wikipedia Link Graph with Clickstream Transitions is a gzipped GML file representing the hyperlink graph of the Simple English Wikipedia. It was prepared... -
Music streaming and playlisting activity from music streaming service
This dataset is taken from the portuguese music social network "Palco Principal", that gathers non-mainstream musicians with fans. The website allows free music streaming and... -
Gamma radiation data from ENVRIplus TNA campaign RELECT at SMEAR II –...
Gamma radiation measurements in counts/minute (cpm) every 5-minutes.
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