ENCKEP Evaluation module: code and case studies
Data a zdroje
Zipped folder with the Case study #1
Zipped folder with the Case study #2
The code of Evaluation module in R
The example of the report generated by the module
Doplňující informace
Pole | Hodnota |
Zdroj | The ENCKEP Simulator tool and its usage is described in details in the Handbook of Working Group 3 and 4 of the ENCKEP COST Action: European Networkfor Collaboration on Kidney ExchangeProgrammes (ENCKEP) "International Kidney ExchangeProgrammes in Europe:Practice, Solution Models,Simulation and Evaluation tools", available at https://www.enckep-cost.eu/ |
Autor | Xenia Klimentova |
Naposledy aktualizováno | dubna 25, 2021, 14:05 (UTC) |
Vytvořeno | dubna 23, 2021, 14:37 (UTC) |
CiteAs | KLIMENTOVA,X., DRUZSIN, K., KULCSÁR, F., FLEINER, R., BIRÓ, P., CHRISTIAN, J., BENOIT, A., VIANA, A. ENCKEP Evaluation module: code and case studies [dataset]. 23 april 2021. INESC TEC research data repository. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25747/dqk7-kt80 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.25747/dqk7-kt80 |
dc.Contributor | Kristóf Druzsin, Fruzsina Kulcsár, Fleiner Rita, Péter Biró, Xenia Klimentova, Jacquelinet Christian, Aundry Benoit, Ana Viana |
dc.Coverage.Spatial | CEGI, INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal |
dc.Coverage.Temporal | 2021 |
dc.Date | 2021 |
dc.Format | *.csv, *.r, *.pdf, *.xlsx, *.json, *.zip |
dc.Format.Extent | 4 files: Case_study_French.zip(27KB), Case_study_international.zip (165KB), ENCKEP_evaluator.R (51KB), ENCKEP_evaluator_report.pdf (235 KB) |
dc.Language | English |
dc.Publisher | INESC TEC |
dc.Relation | The Handbook of Working Group 3 and 4 of the ENCKEP COST Action: European Networkfor Collaboration on Kidney ExchangeProgrammes (ENCKEP) "International Kidney ExchangeProgrammes in Europe:Practice, Solution Models,Simulation and Evaluation tools", available at https://www.enckep-cost.eu/ |
dc.Type | Input data and output results for ENCKEP Simulation took, ENCKEP Evaluation tool code and output |
ddi.NameInstrument | ENCKEP Simulation tool |
ddi.Software | ENCKEP Simulation took, ENCKEP Evaluation tool |
ddi.TypeInstrument | ENCKEP Simulation tool was used to perform the case studies. For the first case study, the data set were created modifiying the real data real data in French KEP, for the second case study the data was generator by Input-Reader module of ENCKEP Simulation tool |