Dataset for the stable kidney exchange problem
Data a zdroje
zip of the instances with STRICT preferences, with 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70,...
zip of the instances with STRICT preferences, with 200,250,300,350 and 400...
zip of the instances with WEAK preferences, with 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,...
zip of the instances with WEAK preferences, with 200,250,300,350 and 400...
Doplňující informace
Pole | Hodnota |
Zdroj | The graphs of instances are created by use of generator from the paper X. Klimentova, A. Viana, J. P. Pedroso, N. Santos. Fairness models for multi-agent kidney exchange programmes. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science (2020) |
Autor | Xenia Klimentova |
Naposledy aktualizováno | února 9, 2021, 15:48 (UTC) |
Vytvořeno | ledna 30, 2021, 13:37 (UTC) |
CiteAs | KLIMENTOVA, Xenia,VIANA, Ana, BIRÓ, Péter. Dataset for the stable kidney exchange problem [dataset]. 30 January 2021. INESC TEC research data repository. DOI: |
DOI | |
dc.Contributor | Ana Viana, Péter Biró |
dc.Coverage.Spatial | CEGI, INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal |
dc.Date | 2020 |
dc.Format | *.txt, *.zip |
dc.Format.Extent | 4 (22M), (50M); (22M), (51M) |
dc.Language | English |
dc.Publisher | INESC TEC |
dc.Relation | 1. X. Klimentova, P. Biro, A. Viana, J.P. Pedroso, V. Costa. Novel Integer Programming models for the stable kidney exchange problem. Submitted to The European Journal of Operational Research. 2. P. Biro, F. Klijn, X. Klimentova, A. Viana. Shapley-Scarf Housing Markets: Respecting Improvement, Integer Programming, and Kidney Exchange. arXiv:2102.00167 [econ.TH] |
dc.Type | Compatibility graph with weights and preferences for the Stable Kidney Exchange Problem. |
ddi.TypeInstrument | The generator used for generation of the instances is implemented in Python programming language. |