UrbanSense environmental monitoring

The UrbanSense project is the environmental monitoring part of the Smart City initiative at the city of Porto, Portugal. This dataset contains observational data collected at 23 locations: Rua das Flores; Damião de Góis; Reitoria; Praça do Marquês-pole1; Combatentes; Estádio do Dragão; Bolhão-pole1; Avenida de França; Casa da Música; Trindade; Castelo do Queijo; Anemona; Campo Alegre; D.Manuel II; Praça da Galiza; Hospital de S.João; Congregados; Cândido dos Reis; Praça da Liberdade (Cardosas); 24 de Agosto (Ferreira Cardoso); Fundação Serralves; FEUP (P1); Praça Velasquez. The data collection unit in each location is composed by sensors of several kinds: Weather station; Noise; CO; Temperature; Precipitation; Luminosity; Wind direction; Humidity; Solar radiation; Particles 2; Particles 1; O3; NO2 and Wind speed. The sensors' calibration is done with a set of high quality sensors to create calibration models based on linear and nonlinear regressions. Data in this project is not subject to any kind of processing, everything is raw data.

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Pole Hodnota
Autor Ana Cristina Costa Aguiar
Naposledy aktualizováno listopadu 15, 2018, 11:16 (UTC)
Vytvořeno června 21, 2018, 16:03 (UTC)
DOI https://doi.org/10.25747/SG46-QF55
dc.Contributor European Commission
dc.Coverage.Spatial Porto, Portugal
dc.Coverage.Temporal 22/06/2014 a 26/08/2017
dc.Format *.csv; *.pdf
dc.Format.Extent 3.06GB
dc.Identifier https://futurecities.up.pt/site/hybrid-sensor-networking-testbed/
dc.Language PT
dc.Relation 1. Yunior Luis, Pedro M. Santos, Tiago Lourenco, Carlos Pérez-Penichet, Tânia Calcada, and Ana Aguiar. 2012. UrbanSense: an Urban-scale Sensing Platform for the Internet of Things. 2016 IEEE Smart Cities Conference (ISC2). DOI: 10.1109/ISC2.2016.7580869 2. Pedro M. Santos, Tânia Calçada, Diogo Guimarães, Tiago Condeixa, Susana Sargento, Ana Aguiar, João Barros. 2015. Demo: Platform for Collecting Data From Urban Sensors Using Vehicular Networking. DOI: 10.1145/2789168.2789169
dc.Type Observational data
ddi.InstrumentType Static sensors
ddi.Methodology The UrbanSense Platform is made up of Data Collection Units (DCU) in which complex communication infrastructures exist in the urban area, together with a Delay Tolerant Network (DTN), in which the sensors of the infrastructure PortoLivingLab through the wireless connection points reach the knots backhaul. In the case of the UrbanSense project, the collected data is transferred to the cloud backend server through Wi-Fi APs.
ddi.Universe The project comprises data collected by 13 sensors, which are arranged in 23 locations in the city of Porto.
m3-lite.Working State Disabled
qu.Unit CO - volts; Humidity - %; Luminosity - volts; NO2 -volts; Noise - dB; O3 - volts; Particles 1 - counts; Particles 2 - counts; Solar radiation - volts; Temperature - C; Wind direction - degrees; Wind speed - rps (1rps=1,492miles/h); Precipitation - number of buckets (1 bucket=0,2794mm)
ssn.SensorDataSheet Documents with information about the sensors available in the folder called "Sensor Data Sheet"