Vineyard dataset with anotation of leaf density - for precision spraying
PRYSM is a project from CRIIS - INESC TEC, which focuses on developing robotics solutions for vineyard smart and precision spraying. The main objective is to develop a smart and... -
In the context of the MSc thesis entitled "A Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Docking-based Structures", the dataset denominated DOcking-based stRuctures dAtaset (DORA)... -
Meteorological data from LFC/FEUP station
The dataset consists on measurements every 5-minutes from the LFC/FEUP meteorological station, including air temperature (in degrees C), relative humidity (%), atmospheric... -
Atmospheric electric field from INESC TEC station (Porto)
The dataset consists on 1-min measurements of the atmospheric electric field by a CS110 field mill installed on the roof of INESC TEC main building. This dataset has Jupyter... -
Gamma radiation from INESC TEC station (Porto)
The dataset consists on measurements of the total number of gamma rays counted by a NaI(Tl) scintillator on the roof of INESC TEC main building. This dataset has Jupyter... -
Solar power forecasting: measurements and numerical weather predictions
This dataset contains hourly power measurements from a 16.32 kW peak PV power plant located on the North of Portugal (Smart Grid and Electric Vehicle Lab – SGEVL, at INESC TEC),... -
Records of Narcissus cyclamineus DC. occurrence in the hydrographic basin of...
Information from field surveys performed during 2007, specifically targeting the detection of the endemic daffodil Narcissus cyclamineus DC. in the hydrographic basinf of River... -
Simple English Wikipedia Link Graph with Clickstream Transitions 2018-12
The Simple English Wikipedia Link Graph with Clickstream Transitions is a gzipped GML file representing the hyperlink graph of the Simple English Wikipedia. It was prepared... -
Music streaming and playlisting activity from music streaming service
This dataset is taken from the portuguese music social network "Palco Principal", that gathers non-mainstream musicians with fans. The website allows free music streaming and... -
Gamma radiation data from ENVRIplus TNA campaign RELECT at SMEAR II –...
Gamma radiation measurements in counts/minute (cpm) every 5-minutes. -
UrbanSense environmental monitoring
The UrbanSense project is the environmental monitoring part of the Smart City initiative at the city of Porto, Portugal. This dataset contains observational data collected at 23... -
Electric field data from ENVRIplus TNA campaign RELECT at SMEAR II –...
Vertical electric field measurements (in V/m), 1-min averages. -
Hate speech dataset annotated for Portuguese
Portuguese Hate Speech Twitter Dataset is a dataset of Twitter messages manually annotated for Hate Speech using a hierarchical structure of classes. 5,668 messages were...
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