Vineyard dataset with anotation of leaf density - for precision spraying
PRYSM is a project from CRIIS - INESC TEC, which focuses on developing robotics solutions for vineyard smart and precision spraying. The main objective is to develop a smart and... -
ENCKEP Evaluation module: code and case studies
The content of the dataset is twofold: I. It contains the results of two case studies made by the ENCKEP Simulation tool, developed within the COST ActionENCKEP COST Action:... -
Dataset for the stable kidney exchange problem
The dataset contains instances of the Kidney Exchange Problem (KEP), when the patient has different preferences over the potential donors. The common practice is to model the... -
Dataset and results for Robust Kidney Exchange Problem
The dataset contains the instances and results files for the paper M.Carvalho, X. Klimentova, K. Glorie, A. Viana, M. Constantino. Robust Models for the Kidney Exchange Problem.... -
Multi-agent Kidney Exchange Program: dataset for simulation along time horizon
The dataset contains the instances files for the paper X. Klimentova, A. Viana, J. P. Pedroso, N. Santos. Fairness models for multi-agent kidney exchange programmes. To appear... -
Dataset for kidney exchange problems
The common practice is to model the Kidney Exchange Problem (KEP) on directed graph G = (V,A), called compatibility graph, where set of vertices V corresponds to the set of... -
Innovation indicators for the academic context
Based on an informational perspective on I&D+i (Research and Development and innovation) and entrepreneurship, it is presented a study applied to the knowledge transfer and...
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